As witnessed by many a Marshall residents, the Annual Lemonade Stand Contest was a couple of weeks ago at one of the last band concerts of the year.
Of course, we had to participate ;).
Logan went to Lowe's and worked for three nights with Ahnna on a stand that would be light-weight enough for myself and my mom to set up on our own, and would still be functional.
We came up with a 'Thomas the Tank Engine' theme.
And I will say, Logan did a great job!

Ahnna and Harrison were probably their own 'best' customers....

Here is Ahnna playing on the 'track'.
I call this the 'Abbey Road' picture...

One of the contest rules was that contestants had to make their own signs....

As requested 'blue' lemonade. We used blueberry jello and lemonade mix. YUM!

More sign. It's just cute.

Blurry Ahnna by the sign....

And the only picture that I could get of Harrison that really came out. He ran around all night long and fell asleep before the end of the evening (and yes, he's wearing a Christmas T-shirt. It was clean, don't judge-lol). All in all, we were there for FIVE hours including set up, serving, tear down, and awards.
But it was worth it :)
Looove this! So special you did this with the kids and I'm super impressed by Logan's skills! P.S. Elayna is at this very moment wearing the exact same shirt Ahnna has on in this picture! We are such book nerds!!!